O mestre Jeff Beck em seu primeiro album após a dissolução da primeira formação da "Jeff Beck Group", que contava com Rod Stewart e Ronnie Wood. Doses cavalares de pura lisergia, naquilo que seria redefinido como Jazz Rock, do qual podemos afirmar que Jeff Beck é seu inventor, uns dirão Miles Davis - e não, o que Miles fazia era Jazz de vanguarda, apesar de ter influenciado muita gente no Rock, inclusive Jeff Beck. "Rough And Ready" traz muitos elementos da música negra norte-americana (dos bons tempos): soul, blues, funk (o funk original...) e muito de rock progressivo/progressista, com aquela batida sincopada, numa interatividade fora do comum entre baixo & batera, aliás... por falar em bateria, temos a presença de um certo Cozy Powell nas baquetas deste album. A impressão que se tem deste album, é que ele foi gravado numa tomada só (one take only record), como se fosse ao vivo, de improviso (do qual Jeff é senhor absoluto), como numa "jam session". (EA)
Recouping after a car crash and faced with the loss of Rod Stewart and Ron Wood, Jeff Beck redefined what the Jeff Beck Group was about, deciding to tone down the bluesy bombast, adding keyboardist Max Middleton for a jazz edge, then having Bob Tench sing to give it an overblown early-'70s AOR edge. As expected, these two sides are in conflict and Tench can be a little overbearing, but there are moments here that bring out the best in Beck. Namely, these are the times when the group ventures into extended, funk-inflected, reflective jazzy instrumental sections. These are the moments that point the way toward the success of Blow by Blow, yet this remains an unabashed rock record of its time, and it falls prey to many of its era's excesses, particularly lack of focus. Still, there are moments that are as fine as anything Beck played here. (Stephen Thomas Erlewine/Allmusic)
Bob Tench: vocals and guitar
Jeff Beck: guitars, bass and production
Max Middleton: piano and keyboards
Clive Chaman: bass
Cozy Powell: drums
Recouping after a car crash and faced with the loss of Rod Stewart and Ron Wood, Jeff Beck redefined what the Jeff Beck Group was about, deciding to tone down the bluesy bombast, adding keyboardist Max Middleton for a jazz edge, then having Bob Tench sing to give it an overblown early-'70s AOR edge. As expected, these two sides are in conflict and Tench can be a little overbearing, but there are moments here that bring out the best in Beck. Namely, these are the times when the group ventures into extended, funk-inflected, reflective jazzy instrumental sections. These are the moments that point the way toward the success of Blow by Blow, yet this remains an unabashed rock record of its time, and it falls prey to many of its era's excesses, particularly lack of focus. Still, there are moments that are as fine as anything Beck played here. (Stephen Thomas Erlewine/Allmusic)
Bob Tench: vocals and guitar
Jeff Beck: guitars, bass and production
Max Middleton: piano and keyboards
Clive Chaman: bass
Cozy Powell: drums
1. I Got the Feeling
2. Situation
3. Short Business
4. Max's Tune
5. I've Been Used
6. New Ways / Train Train
7. Jody
7. Jody
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